Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dear God,

Thank You is not enough so I am going to show you in actions.

I trust and believe in You as You have believed in me.

Yours truly-
June 2011-Reykjavik, Iceland

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oso Almost Got Arrested

Our family dog Oso roams the streets of my parent's neighborhood. He goes into other people's backyards and looks for tennis balls, pees on everyone's trees, that sort of thing. A lot of people know him so they just let him be. Occasionally a kid will be a good samaritan and ring the doorbell with him at there side. Just the other day the doorbell rang with him at someone's side only this time it was animal control!!!! Oso was ticketed on the spot. The lady was really nice but had to ticket him for roaming around without a license! Oso is now in "the system" and could have been taken to dog pokey had he not had his identification.
Aside from my Dad who had to pay around three hundred dollars to get it all straightened out, we all find this hilarious. Oso finally got caught.

2011...Where Do I Begin??

The last time I posted an entry was February 26, 2009. About four and a half months later,June 6th to be exact, my oldest brother, one of my best friends since the beginning of my life, went on to the spiritual world. I don't remember most of what I was feeling before then. I'm not even curious to read the previous posts. In fact, I know I will be embarrassed to read the of lightness of my life then, to hear my tone before the biggest shock of my life. And even having said that- I still find my life very beautiful and full of light-only another kind. I think about Isaac everyday- I laugh and mostly I cry really hard over him. This whole experience-which will be lifelong-the loss of my brother and yet again not,is something so deep, I won't even offend it by trying to describe it.
So here's to keep keep keepin' on. If for no one else but myself.
I love you Isaac. Most of all, here's to you.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Booyah! Book Club

Let's get scholastic ya'll!
There has really never been a more fit time to start a book club than now. Time to get crafty with time and think of new ways to spend it-without spending our hard earned pay. Thanks to Courtney(a.k.a. Berrrgen), six girls and I had our first meeting last night for our very own Booyah! Book Club. The name came completely natural,as we have extremely broad vocabularies and drinks were involved. Yes,we're keeping it light with cocktails and occasional dance parties. I think we each have a little somthing to bring to the table-including my mom who,I'm sure, will have a definite opinion about everything. My book was chosen first, and though I welcome and recommended complete honesty, I'm going to try not be completely offended if someone dislikes my book.
I'm interested to see how club Booyah! goes. And I'm fully ready to defend my romantic,historical novels. Don't let me down Phillipa Gregory-it's my Booyah! Book Club reputation on the line here.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

hair shows are not for hairdressers

Seriously, people. If you want this post to be cut short, just stop and understand at the title.
I just attended the big ISSE show at the Long Beach convention center this past sunday and for all of you who don't know that's the International Salon and Spa Expo. Definitely entertaining. I should've just bought twenty tickets and sold them double the price because the show was basically for people who get excited at the sight of glitter and nude colored corsets that push your boobs up so all your new chest wrinkles from the sun can become the new focal point on your body. But if you're like me and you you don't have boobs say-I don't know-bigger than a 32a/b(are there any more left?!), or you're way past the age that wearing glitter while not on ecstasy is okay, then throw the need for further career training out the window,and have a blast revisiting trends that used to be cool, buy a poster of all the options of fades you can get, and get your legs waxed for free in front of 100 people.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Get Yourself Connected

Yes, folks. I'm one of the millions of people who have sold a fraction of their soul to the I-phone. Many things came together for me to make this grand decision. To start, Dog Tha Bounty was in the store with his wife. It just made everything that much more festive and- it also made me realize that even authentic mullet wearing(with a flat top in the front), almond eye shape oakley wearing(don't foget the strap to keep 'em from falling from your head), caught on national television repeating racial slurs, type men have gotten the I-phone before me.
I can't wait until my new phone can run the bath, turn on the heater, and start dinner for me before I get home.

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Curious Case of Yelp Responders

It's the day after Christmas. I'm turkeye'd and tamale'd out. I'm feeling like trying something new tonight. Hey!-I know! I'll be super courageous and order a pizza from a place I've never been. I'm even feelin like giving the new guy on the block a chance. Hold on-I just need the number and hey,it'd be great if maybe i could get the menu online too. Go to google search. Okay. Type in Garage Pizza and . . .wow! 34 comments on this place! I thought my night was mellow. Maybe even a little bit lonesome and depressing but things are looking up for me now that I see the sheer cases of loneliness written all over these Yelp commentaries.
Before I begin to talk about the raging 52 year old woman who is on her last cycle of PMS, and about to shift into menopause, let me just not- because this woman is actually named Joseph. One that especially catches my eye. Joseph managed to write four wopping paragraphs about what anyone passing by in a car going 65mph can see is a hole-in-the-wall pizza joint. This guy is thorough. He starts with the advertising. How can they say they are open 'til 3 and not have any more pizza by the slice left at 2:15? His second paragraph of his pizza essay shows his normality though, " The two slices of pizza I got kind of varied from one another,". . all of which he found, " Fascinating." There is quite a tone to his surprise in this riveting pizza experience. I'm begining to wonder if he is being paid for his hard work on this paper. The owner of this place should not even show his face because, according to Josephina here, it seems that they were trying to sell him a lifestyle, or movement, if you will. Must have been a busy night for him.
If I wasn't raggin' out myself- I probably wouldn't have noticed this madness. Guess it takes one to know one but, I mean- really?!!! I'm almost embarrased for this faceless Joe but then I'm proud of him for showing his true colors and spilling his all. For letting everyone know how he truely feels. Guess we all have different avenues to do that. Some blog, some sing it, some paint it, and some Yelp it.
Don't forget about Lydia C.'s from Los Angeles. She's got a few things to say too.